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Code of Practice

Practice aim "To provide an integrated, caring and considerate dental service as part of a growing and established Medical Practice."
This Practice is committed to gentle, caring, quality family dentistry.
This Practice has' in place a quality assurance programme. This is designed to help us ensure that we provide the highest possible standards of care for our patients. As part of this we are committed to reviewing our practice to ensure that we maintain and where necessary improve the quality of the services we provide.
This Practice is committed to using high quality materials and techniques and introducing new technology whenever this will benefit patient care.
This Practice will provide a verbal or printed estimate and amend this as necessary.
New fillings are guaranteed for free replacement for 1 year. This is subject to satisfactory oral health, regular attendance, and a lack of trauma or abuse. Your new crowns, bridges, dentures and veneers are guaranteed against faulty manufacture or fitting.
As a registered patient you can expect to receive treatment for a dental emergency, whenever possible on the same day as you contact the Practice. (Emergencies are defined as traumatic damage, dramatic swelling, intractable pain, or haemorrhage.)
This Practice has an 'In House Complaints Procedure' and agrees to peer review and arbitration in the event of disagreement.
This Practice endorses the philosophy of comprehensive preventive dentistry for patients of all ages. It routinely checks for early signs of gum disease and oral cancer.
This Practice is committed to ongoing continuing professional development through post-graduate education, enabling standards to be maintained at the forefront of quality care.
This Practice keeps essential equipment for resuscitation and all staff undergo annual
training in CPR.

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